Together, we can do better

Partnering with industry leaders and organisations is core to our mission. At FNESG, we believe in the power of partnership to drive transformative ESG initiatives. Our network of affiliates, partners, collaborators, and investors is integral to shaping a sustainable future that honours First Nations principles.

Our Community

FNESG’s heartbeat is our vibrant community that spans educational institutions, industries, government bodies and First Nations groups, all unified in the pursuit of a more responsible and sustainable future.

We draw from timeless wisdom rooted in ancient traditions

The ancient wisdom passed down by our First Nations Elders and community leaders forms the bedrock of our mission, reminding us that sustainability is a practice as old as time, yet as relevant today as ever.

We champion diversity on a global scale

Diversity lives at the core of a vibrant and sustainable global ecosystem. At FNESG, we embrace this inclusive principle across our community, business practices, and platform

We equip businesses with the First Nations perspective

FNESG is dedicated to empowering businesses with the invaluable insights of the First Nations perspective. This unique lens sheds light on sustainable practices within our world class ESG platform.

“We have our eye on the same destination – a sustainable future where Indigenous people are recognised for their wisdom and honoured for their culture – there is no problem taking a different path to reach that place.”
Kirstie Parker, CEO of National Centre of Indigenous Excellence Australia

“I do not think the measure of a civilization is how tall its buildings of concrete are, but rather how well its people have learned to relate to their environment and fellow man.”
Sun Bear, Chippewa, Ojibwe (Anishinaabe people currently in southern Canada, the northern Midwestern United States, and Northern Plains.)